Evan was born September 4, 2007 with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus. He had his first surgery when he was only 4 hours old to close the holes in his back. He had his second surgery when he was 10 days old to have his VP shunt put in to help drain the spinal fluid that was building up in his head. Evan has had approximately 17 surgeries in his life time…
To read more about Evan’s story, click below:
Direct Mail  2016 Evans Story

Chera and Aaron were having their scheduled 20 week ultrasound and they were thrilled to be seeing their baby for the first time. After routine blood work had gone as expected, they thought everything would be normal for the delivery of their first child. But their world was turned upside down when the ultrasound revealed that baby Jaxon would be born with spina bifida…
Direct Mail  2015 Jaxson’s Adventure