August 30, 2015 | Joey Pothe ‘These patients are pioneers’: Duke launches adult spina bifida clinic after many survive - 2 days ago...Baby with spina bifida has promising future after fetal surgery with stem cellsUC Davis Health - 2 months ago...OHSU Doernbecher fetal surgeons perform region’s first in-utero spina bifida repairOHSU News - 6 months ago...Research and Tracking | Spina BifidaCDC - 3 months ago...Targeting environmental exposure to prevent spina bifida in BangladeshHSPH News - 3 weeks ago...Child with spina bifida thrilled to see ad with girl and her wheelchairGood Morning America - 6 days ago...$1.7M CDC grant will allow researchers to study spina bifida across the lifespanThe University of Arizona - 4 months ago...One In 33 Babies Is Born With A Birth Defect: How It Impacts Child's HealthETV Bharat - 12 hours ago...News via Google. See more news matching 'spina bifida' FacebookTweetPin